Love for natural materials when decorating houses is easy to explain, because their use allows you to combine the advantages of a pleasant natural texture, attractive appearance and durability of operation. Nevertheless, not everyone can afford to decorate a building using natural wood or stone: these materials themselves have a high cost, and, besides, require thorough processing, which is fraught with additional financial costs.

However, do not be in a hurry to get upset. Modern developments and technological solutions make it possible to create universal finishing materials with high performance characteristics on the basis of natural components. One such development is the production of an architectural stone – an artificial material that visually does not differ from the natural, but is much more affordable. Facing with a facade stone will make the building effective and respectable, emphasizes the flawless taste of its owners.

Facing stone has a much more acceptable value than natural stone. At the same time, decorating the facade of your building with the help of an architectural stone, you will be able to fully convey the beauty of natural material, the texture of which is perfectly simulated by an artificial one. In addition, decorative elements made of artificial stone are practical and durable.

In other words, making decor elements from stone is a simple and profitable way to decorate your house, giving it a personality and style. In addition, the facing stone has a number of undeniable advantages that distinguish it from other finishing materials, namely:

  • Long service life without loss of quality.
  • Frost resistance.
  • Water resistant: the material is resistant to dampness, fungus and mold formation.
  • Impact strength.
  • High refractory properties.
  • Decorative elements made of artificial stone allow you to combine the beautiful texture of natural material and the color solution created specifically for your facade.
  • The natural materials used to make the architectural stone make it absolutely harmless and safe.
  • The standard sizes, installed for various types of architectural stone, greatly facilitate the process of its laying.

Artificial stone decoration and its types

In addition to the usual cladding, the modern white facade elements are in great demand – they are made in classic white color, they look very smart and literally transform the building. This type of decor harmoniously looks like on old buildings, and on the facades of modern houses.

It is impossible not to say also about such an important component of the design of the infield area, as landscape design. For decoration of the adjacent territory, small architectural forms made of stone, which can perform a practical function (bridges, fences, arches, stairs, etc.) are perfect, or used exclusively for decoration (sculptures, fountains, vases, slides, etc.). ).

This and other types of landscaping, as well as elements for decorating the facades and various kinds of facing stone, is offered by the company “Gold Art Line”. On our site you can learn detailed information about products from architectural stone, viewing our impressive portfolio, as well as ask all the questions that you have on the phones listed in our Contact Us section. Call us, we are glad for mutually beneficial cooperation and we offer decor with an artificial stone for every taste.