The main altar was fenced off from the central part of the Assumption Cathedral of the main icon of the Russian iconostasis. In the description of 1863, it was submitted that the height of the iconostasis is ten fathoms (21.336 m). The iconostasis of St. Michael the Archangel and the altar on the interior were created as a single whole and they should be presented in the descriptions in the chapter Main Iconostasis.

“Iconostasis (1887). The main iconostasis is a 5-tiered, carved from linden tree, with slotted twisted grapes of the 6th large and 10th small tropical plants with the columns of the Corinthian order all gilded, placed on a white field. ” Hetman I. Skoropadsky, “an iconostasis with a czarist and artistic work in everything as pertains to his wittavity.” On February 5, 1719, the hetman wrote to Archimandrite Lavra from Glukhov that, in fulfillment of his promise, he “had already agreed with the Chernigov snezarem Gregory, who had previously made an iconostasis for the St. Michael’s Golden-domed Monastery, for which the Glinsky signed. Built in rococo style, in 5 tiers, it is very beautiful and majestic …

Section of the Assumption Cathedral from the north (F. Solntsev, mid XIX century)

The iconostasis of the church consists of five floors, of which the lower one is separated from the upper by a rich entablature, while the other floors are divided by incomplete cornices and belts. The lower floor is decorated with freestanding slotted twisted columns, and the upper pilasters. This iconostasis is made of wood, carved, and, moreover, a high work in the taste of Rococo, all gold-plated. ”

In 1917, the historian K. Sherotsky wrote groves: “The iconostasis of the times of the Hetman Skoropadsky, a beautiful work. By 1896 it was five-tiered, but in 1896 the upper tiers were removed. ”